Thursday, July 7, 2011

My sentiments about him

Finally, on July 15, exactly 8 days from now, is our long-awaited trip to Boracay. I have been anticipating for that day since our third year anniversary, June 8th of this year. Not because we haven’t been on vacation for the longest time, but because we technically haven’t “celebrated” our 48 months as a couple. Another factor that contributed to my excitement was the surprise Patrick accidentally mentioned previously. According to him, he has prepared something special in view of our anniversary. I often fuss about his being too complacent in our relationship, to the extent that I’m in the borderline of complaining and being belligerent. Earlier today, a realization came upon me. Why do I have to wait until July 15th for that so called “special surprise”? when every single day, Patrick makes me feel special. He massages me – tries to understand my ill-tempered attitude – sacrifices for me – drives for me when I’m too tired from work/school – ensures that I eat on time and a gazillion more. =)